Art & Science of Automorphic Energy Shift

A wealth of wisdom at your fingertips and a
Personalized support for a unified & transformative life journey

Who are we as humans? How do we fit into this universe?  

My name is Maria Almeida. My home is Portugal though currently live in Spain. I have lived and worked on 5 continents and consider myself a cultured citizen of the world. My PhD is in Mathematics, and I have been researching and developing applications of mathematics for more than 25 years. My journey’s results are shared in world renowned scientific journals, forums, and speeches. 

My pathway is paved with evolving spirituality intertwined with scientific support. In the process, I have embraced both Eastern and Western approaches – including the Vedic tradition, distinct Buddhist teachings, Japanese spiritual traditions, and schools of esoteric teachings. The ​Key practices are fusion of Love-Intelligence-Will Power aspects of life energy, heart awareness, intention, maintaining neutrality of an observer, balancing of emotional-physical-mental-energetic body, and cultivating internal discernment.

Very early in the path, it became clear to me that direct experience is crucial in the process of full knowing.  This awareness was critical in developing the discipline of applying into my life the scientific-spiritual methodology that I study, and  therefore, experiencing first-hand the results that they can produce. The lessons I learned have allowed for a development of wide range of tools and practices to live fully connected with a universal consciousness – some refer to “all that it is.”   

This passion of the art of science and spirituality encompasses both lat. “educere” - the preparation of new generations for the challenges of yet unknown and lat. “educare” – the preservation and passing down of knowledge. I call this “Spiritual Science” a fusion of mind, body, and spirit in a unified process of healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.   

I am in awe of the magic of being human and the beauty and intelligence of the universe. I wish to be the spark in the journey of others and assist them in finding inner guidance, inspiration, improved wellbeing and developing intuition - ultimately shifting from a state of suffering to a state of celebrating life! Thus, the ASAES philosophy was born!