Art & Science of Automorphic Energy Shift

A wealth of wisdom at your fingertips and a
Personalized support for a unified & transformative life journey

Values​ :

Love, Wisdom, Truth, Responsibility, Beauty  

Vision​ :

Celebration of Life: one human being, one blissful spark in the web of life! A loving, intelligent, and powerful Earth in which holistic, magical, abundant, and harmonious solutions are precipitated across 9 fundamental areas:










Mission :

Generate innovative inspiration to shift individual consciousness and anchoring a profound individual and global transformation on Earth. I believe this is an urgent evolution-transformation at the foundation level of each human being so it can be translated at collective level and move Earth-system to higher dimensions of existence.

Aid as many ​people as possible in their path of awakening to their uniqueness, to their truth; use my wisdom and talents to guide ​beings so that their unique "soul-voice" can vibrates at its purest tone and unfolds in harmony with the "​universal consciousness". 


❖  ​The idea of creating ASAES surfaced from a re-birth process I underwent in 2022 – 2023. Its unfolding has been nurtured by love, kindness, inspiration, and support of many beings whom I have been honored to connect with.

   The acronym “ASAES”, is a Portuguese word that translates to the English sentence: “Wings you are”. Thus, the motto of ASAES was born
“Wings you are! Nothing can stop you from flying”

❖   ​ The meaning of the name – Art and Science of Automorphic Energy Shift

➢   The bit “ART AND SCIENCE” – The choice of these words was inspired by the quote from Albert Einstein:
       “Creativity is intelligence having fun”

Intend to convey the idea of fusion of Love, Creativity, and Inspiration with Intelligence fueled by an Unwavering Focus (Power) as a systematic/scientific method to know and to wisely influence the subtle levels of existence aiming to promote harmoniously evolution and uncover true potential/nature of individuals.

➢   The bit “AUTOMORPHIC” – terminology borrowed from mathematics. Intuitively, it means a transformation from the self into itself and conveys the idea behind the ancient wisdom:
“The master only points the way; you need to do the work”
and that all transformation begins and ends with you.

➢   The bit “ENERGY SHIFT” – convey the idea that the subtle levels of beings are energy. Thus, they can be balanced, re-structured, transformed by applying systematically scientific-spiritual methods.