Art & Science of Automorphic Energy Shift

A wealth of wisdom at your fingertips and a
Personalized support for a unified & transformative life journey

Automorphic Life Transformation Journey, what is it?

It is a unified and transformative life journey framework that combines Eastern and Western atemporal and ancient wisdom with cutting-edge techniques in the field of holistic wellbeing;

It operates at subtle and core levels of each being beyond the physical, emotional, mental, energetic level;

it is tailored to the individual uniqueness and needs to promote a lasting transformation. 

What are the techniques used?

A wide range of methods are applied based on the unique needs and life situation of each person. 
They include but are not restrict to:  

What are some of the broad benefits of the approach?

The benefits are uncountable, and they include:

  • Core Dimension
  • Self-Knowing
  • Alignment with purpose/meaning of life
  • Development of intuition
  • Systematica expansion of awareness/consciousness
  • Spirituality, Enlightenment/Awakening
  • Emotional Balance
  • Serenety, tranquility, Peace
  • Joy, light, happiness
  • Love, trust
  • A sense of belonging and safeness
  • Physical Health
  • Insomnia/sleep disorder
  • Back/neck pain
  • Migraines/headaches
  • Weight balances/obesity
  • Cardiac disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Phobias/addictions/ eating disorders
  • Capabilty
  • Energy and Efficiency
  • Clarity and Alertness
  • Focus and Concentration
  • Creativity and Synthesis
  • Relationships
  • Parents/Children
  • Family/Friends
  • Romantic partners
  • Mental Health
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Limiting patterns
  • Traumas

Let us explore together the magic there is in you and master how to create harmoniously the inner and outer world that reflects it. 

You will be challenged, inspired, and guided with a deep sense of service and compassion to move you to the core of who you truly are.

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